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  Title:标题言简意赅,只需告诉对方主题即可。e.g. REPORT ON…
  e.g. The purpose of this report is to…
  The objective of this report is to…
  The aim of this report is to…
  This report aims to…
  Mr. A has asked me to report to…
  As requested by…, I am submitting the following report about…
  Here is a report concerning…
  e.g. According to the recent market research / investigation / survey / the chart above / the table above…
  The recent visit / investigation / survey showed that…
  The table / chart above tells us that…
  From the chart shown, we find / learn / notice that…
  The table / chart above is showing that…
  e.g. The following are the recommendations…
  Based on the conclusion / analysis above, we recommend that / it can be concluded that…
  With reference to the advantages stated above, the following recommendations can be made…
  With reference to the facts above, the following recommendations can be made…
课程名称 上课地点 优惠价 报名
学校申请及签证服务 河北石家庄市南二环东路20号  登记优惠
石家庄PTE培训 河北石家庄市南二环东路20号  ¥预约享团购价 登记优惠
成人英语口语 河北石家庄市南二环东路20号  ¥预约享团购价 登记优惠
澳大利亚AEAS考试*课程 河北石家庄市南二环东路20号  ¥预约享团购价 登记优惠
石家庄雅思5.5分班 河北石家庄市南二环东路20号  ¥预约享团购价 登记优惠
石家庄雅思6分培训 河北石家庄市南二环东路20号  ¥预约享团购价 登记优惠
雅思6.5分班 河北石家庄市南二环东路20号  ¥预约享团购价 登记优惠
环球雅思秋季班开始报名啦 石家庄市长安区  ¥预约享团购价 登记优惠
雅思秋季班优惠中 石家庄市长安区  ¥预约享团购价 登记优惠
石家庄环球雅思秋季班 石家庄市长安区  ¥预约享团购价 登记优惠
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