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  Being Afraid to Speak Up 害怕发言
  Whether it’s asking for a raise, time off, or just voicing an opinion, it’s important to stand up for yourself in the office. The more confidence you exude(散发;流露出), the more others will have in you, and as long as you do it in a respectful and professional way, your colleagues will be more impressed than put-off by your assertiveness.
  Dressing Inappropriately 穿着不当
  One thing that can either help or hurt you is how you present yourself. If you dress too provocatively(挑逗地), young or casual, you could be sending the wrong message to your coworkers. Just because you have it, doesn’t mean the office is the place to wear it. If you want to be taken seriously, dress seriously.
  Being Late for Work 上班迟到
  Appearance is everything. You could be the hardest worker in the office or do extra work from home, but if you are consistently late to work, you give off the impression that you’re a slacker(懒鬼). People notice who stays late and who comes in early and will form an opinion about you, whether it’s accurate or not. Your professional reputation is a vital part of getting ahead in your industry and being late to work sounds trivial, but it can gradually undermine (渐渐破坏)all your hard work
  Not Networking 缺乏交流
  Yes, working hard and being seen as a dedicated employee is vital to your professional success, but professional relationships are just as important when it comes to getting your next job or promotion. Many young people are afraid to network and appear aggressive, but it is an established part of the working world. A good way to start is by asking your superiors whom you look up to for career guidance.
课程名称 上课地点 优惠价 报名
学校申请及签证服务 河北石家庄市南二环东路20号  登记优惠
石家庄PTE培训 河北石家庄市南二环东路20号  ¥预约享团购价 登记优惠
成人英语口语 河北石家庄市南二环东路20号  ¥预约享团购价 登记优惠
澳大利亚AEAS考试*课程 河北石家庄市南二环东路20号  ¥预约享团购价 登记优惠
石家庄雅思5.5分班 河北石家庄市南二环东路20号  ¥预约享团购价 登记优惠
石家庄雅思6分培训 河北石家庄市南二环东路20号  ¥预约享团购价 登记优惠
雅思6.5分班 河北石家庄市南二环东路20号  ¥预约享团购价 登记优惠
环球雅思秋季班开始报名啦 石家庄市长安区  ¥预约享团购价 登记优惠
雅思秋季班优惠中 石家庄市长安区  ¥预约享团购价 登记优惠
石家庄环球雅思秋季班 石家庄市长安区  ¥预约享团购价 登记优惠
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